Thursday, September 26, 2013

Two Days of Two under Two

You may have read my post last week about looking after my nephew as he began his potty training. Well, as I mentioned, after looking after him one day that week, last week, I was charged with looking after Jacob for two days (so I must have done an OK job the first time round!). And so life with 2 under 2 began... (Technically, Jacob is 2 and a quarter, so two under two isn't quite right, but it's not far wrong!)

On Thursday, Jacob arrived at 8am at my house, not long after Isabelle and I had gotten up. Luckily, as I mentioned last week, Jacob is a very good boy, and he and Isabelle seem to amuse one another pretty well. Unfortunately, this day, Jacob was not in his finest form. Since he is half made up of genes from my family, this is NOT a good thing! A moody Gray is not something to be reckoned with - and a moody toddler Gray is even worse! To add insult to injury, the weather was not great, which meant we couldn't do much outside as we almost got blown away when we tried.

That said, the day didn't go too badly overall. In the morning, Jacob helped me get Isabelle washed and dressed, and helped me change her nappy - getting in lots of practise for when his new sibling arrives in just a few weeks! He loved using the wipes to help me 'clean' Isabelle's bottom, and was convinced he could see poo everywhere, so spent more time dabbing at her feet than anything! They had lots of cuddles throughout the day, and other than that, Jacob spent some time reading through a toy magazine (coveting the 'Scooby Dooby Doo' toys).

Before lunchtime, I decided to relocate to my parents' house for a change of scenery for us all, and unbelievably BOTH babies fell asleep in the car on the way there. This meant I managed to get a nice quiet cup of tea in, before Miss Isabelle was awake again. Jacob slept for an hour and a half (almost a miracle in his case!) and the only massive mishap of the day accompanied this. Since it's only a 7 minutes journey from my house to my parents, I didn't put any pull ups on him. So he was in pants. Imagine how soaked the poor boy was when he woke up from that nap! And imagine his car seat...!

At lunchtime, I became more glad than ever to be a baby wearer, as Isabelle decided Jacob's lunchtime was her nap time, so in an attempt to manhandle two grumpy bums, I had her in her wrap (asleep soundly) and him at the table munching on toast and Bob the Builder spaghetti. This was followed by him demanding I push him up and down the driveway in his buggy - which would have been impossible if I didn't have Isabelle snugly wrapped on my front, giving me both hands free.

Some more cuddles later, and a bit of shouting which upset Jacob so much that it was the first thing he told his mummy on her return home, and the day was over without any MAJOR incidents.

So, despite Jacob's bad mood, and the awful weather, we all survived. I was glad that Simon had the next day off to help out though, especially as Uncle Simon is considered much more fun and interesting than strict auntie Sawah! While Izzy and I went to Baby Sensory, the boys went blackberry picking, before we all had lunch and took the dogs for a walk.

Here's my favourite picture from the two days - it captures the love these two little cousins already have for each other, and the fondness they can show one another when the mood strikes them both. And it makes me sure than when he becomes a big brother, Master Jacob will do the most marvellous job.

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