Saturday, September 28, 2013

Facebook newsfeed mummy overload!

It struck me the other day how much my Facebook Newsfeed has changed over the last few months. I vaguely remember before Isabelle was born it was made up of status updates/photos/shared things from people I used to go to school/university/camp/work with.

Now, I can't even find those people amongst my mummy bits! From mummy friends, to mummy pages, and my 'crunchy' pages, the posts come thick and fast from all. For example right now (it's 9.30pm on Friday night, and yes I know how sad that is!) the first 10 things on my feed are:

1// an update on a post on the NI Cloth Bums page
2// a picture of a friend's ADORABLE little lady in her pram going for a walk with the biggest smile!
3// a old school friend post
4// a post on a slings page
5// a Baby Sensory Belfast update
6// a friend's shared post
7// a post one of my mummy groups
8// a Cheeky Wipes update
9// a cloth nappy selling page post
10// a picture of a delicious looking cake made by a wondermum from my breastfeeding group (seriously, she has 2 littles, a job AND time to bake?!)

So 8/10 are mummy/mummy lifestyle related. I'm not sure when this happened, but it certainly means my Facebook is never quiet! Going on to find 24 notifications every time I log in from the various mummy groups I'm part of, and trying to keep up with all my new 'mummy friends' is exhausting sometimes!

What does make me laugh at times though is that most of this activity happens in the evening, and very little during the day - obviously once our little ones are safely in bed we all jump straight on Facebook! Even as I type this blog post the computer is pinging with more and more notifications!

If you want to look at it another way, I'm pretty damn lucky to have such a great group of new mum and baby groups, and friends, to share my new lifestyle with!

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