Thursday, September 12, 2013

People making me a better mummy

A lot of the time I feel a bit like a one woman band.
I think it comes from the fact that Isabelle refuses to take a bottle, so I can't leave her with anyone else for more than an hour or two at a time (not that I would have it any other way! I miss her too much!). Of course, Simon has to work, so because it's Isabelle and I together all day, I often feel like I am responsible for everything concerning Isabelle, and that can be difficult, and a little tiring if I'm honest. Of course I get unlimited help from my family, but it's often the mental responsibility that I find hardest. However, I realised that if it weren't for the people below, I would be totally lost, and in fact I am unbelievably lucky to have such a great group of people to help make a better mummy, and help make my life so much easier - practically AND emotionally.

* My sister in law*
I don't know whether it's because she's a mummy to a little man herself, or if it would be this way anyway, I suspect the latter, but she gives me so much advice and help that I'd be pretty lost without her. Silly little things during pregnancy, and now during our first few months, that I wouldn't have known without her have all helped me make the decisions which are helping me build Isabelle into the person that she is. She is always there when I need her, and her constant support and love for both Isabelle has been overwhelming and helped me out so much. I can't wait until her next little arrives so she is off work again! 

* My mum *
I think your own mum is probably the most influential person when you become a mummy yourself that  she is a no brainer on this list. Yes, she can be a bit of a pain in the bum sometimes, but overall she knows more about raising babies than I ever will and so many of my ideals about how I want to raise my family come from how we were raised. She has been an invaluable source of support and love throughout Izzy's little life, and I know she will be for evermore.

* My mother in law * 
I've mentioned before that Simon's family live in England, but that doesn't stop Simon's mum being a wonderful influence on my parenting. More than anything, she has been ever supportive of everything I have done with Isabelle, and some of the kindest words I've received about being a mummy have come from her. The confidence boosts she unwittingly gives me make me feel like super mum, which in turn help me become more sure of my decisions affecting Izzy.

* My sister* 
My sister doesn't have any babies of her own, but I think that's why she is so helpful to me. She makes me feel like a parenting genius (not because she doesn't know anything, I hasten to add!) which again gives me so much confidence in my parenting abilities. She is always there for me when I need her, and knowing that she would drop everything to help me out if I was in a parenting pickle means I can relax and I know I have all her expertise and knowledge at my fingertips, even at 3am (although I'm sure she'd prefer it was at a more sociable hour!)

* My dad*
My dad is responsible for one of the kindest things I have heard about my parenting so far - and I heard it second hand from my mum. He told her how proud he was of how well Isabelle had grown, and how great it was that I had done that all by myself. Giving me a confidence boost in my breastfeeding 'ability', and hearing how proud he was of me made me feel 100ft tall!

* Simon *
Of course, it goes without saying that I wouldn't be half the mummy I am without Simon's unwavering love and support for both Isabelle and I. 

So, in reality, I'm a lot more like a symphony than a one woman band - and all thanks to my amazing family! Aren't Isabelle and I lucky to have such a great team behind us? (And let's not forget my father in law, brother and brother in law who are all pretty amazing too!)

Who is it helping you become the parent, or person, that you are?

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