Saturday, September 21, 2013

Review: Dettol with E45 Softness Handwash

Dettol and E45 are both well known brands, but not generally two which you hear of working together. However, they have recently joined forces to release a hand wash, combing the best of both worlds. The hand wash, available for £2.49 nationwide, comes in 3 'flavours' which are inspired by nature: Lotus Flower, Honey and Camomile.

As all mummies and pet owners will tell you, washing your hands numerous times a day is a necessity. As both a mummy to Isabelle and 2 dogs (and a cat) my hands are usually pretty filthy. The constant washing, and using wipes when changing Isabelle's nappies, has left my hands drier than they have ever been. I don't always remember to moisturise them either, so they have definitely been neglected over the last 5 months.

We try to keep hand wash beside all our sinks, and so when I received a sample of the Dettol with E45 Softness, it went straight into the kitchen. I was slightly skeptical about the hand wash as anything I have used in the past which claims to have 'built in moisturisation' never seems to do much. However, I did comment straight away to Simon after using the Lotus Flower version that I could FEEL it had left a protective, moisturising layer on my hands. No, my hands didn't feel like they had been thoroughly moisturised, but neither did they feel as dry as they usually do after washing, and I honestly didn't feel like I needed to moisturise them afterwards. Knowing my hands were 99.9% bacteria free when Isabelle next decided my finger was her favourite teether was great too.

Along with the hand wash, I also received a sample of the Dettol kitchen spray surface cleanser. This couldn't have come at a better time as we had just run out of our spray the night before! We have used the Dettol kitchen spray many times in the past, and are able to rest easy knowing our kitchen surfaces and table are always 99.9% bacteria free. Unlike other brands, this spray doesn't leave a foamy or soapy residue, and simply wipes away, cleaning and sterilising my surfaces beautifully.

I also received a pack of antibacterial cleansing wipes. I've never used the wipes before, but managed to open them that very day to clean one of the pram wheels, and they will be perfect for wiping down Isabelle's high chair tray, allowing her to eat directly off it without any fear of germs on her food.

All 3 Dettol products are available at a variety of stores nationwide.

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