Thursday, September 5, 2013

My parenting fails

I like to think Simon and I were pretty prepared for Isabelle's arrival. Not only did we have all the physical "stuff" we needed, but we both knew a little of what was involved in looking after a newborn from looking after my nephew and, in my case, years spent looking after littles in various circumstances. I've changed them, bathed them, fed them, played with them, soothed them, put them to sleep, cleaned up their explosions - all the every day bits and bobs. We knew how a baby can turn your life upside down and inside out, and we were so excited to have that! Nonetheless, along the way, I have had a few parenting fails. From the little things to the things which go against everything you have read, and one massive no-no, here are my parenting fails so far:

Knowing what "that" cry means:
Ok, Isabelle has the tired cry (that's the one with her eyes half shut) and the animalistic pain cry (even a deaf person would know that) and then...there are all the others. I applaud mommas who know whether "that" cry means hungry/needs changed/over stimulated/under stimulated...because I haven't a clue. Luckily, boob solves all in Isabelle's world, so no matter what the cause, I have the magic answer!

Thinking I can do loads while she naps:
I had this amazing image in my mind before Isabelle arrived. It was the two of us in our back living room, sun streaming in through the french windows. She was asleep in her Moses basket, I was reading a book while she napped for a few hours - feeling smug about how easy it all was no doubt. The number of times that has happened? Zero. Firstly, Izzy never took to her Moses basket. Secondly, she is a short nap lover, no more than 40 minutes 4 times a day. Thirdly, for at least two of those naps we are usually out and they happen in the car/pram/someone else's house which is not the time for me to be reading. And lastly, when she is napping, I use the time to clean the house. None of that is in any way horrific, it's just not quite what I imagined. To be honest, I'm just glad that she naps well!

Don't drop the baby!!:
Technically, I tripped and fell. We both went down, I got hit pretty hard. Luckily I used my super momma powers to avoid getting her hurt. Must get out of bed more carefully when holding the baby!


Thinking "once we get into a schedule we are sorted":
Simon and I never wanted to force a schedule on our baby, but we were keen for them to help us set their own, and Isabelle did very early on. For example, she likes to get up in the morning and play on her playmat, then she has her breakfast and goes back to sleep. In the evening it's in reverse; she likes to have a nap, playmat then bed. She set that for us, and that's fine. What I didn't realise is that just when you think she has set the time...she changes it all again! Last week she wanted to have her final nap at 6.30-7pm and go to bed around 8.30-9pm. Today, back to going to bed at 8pm. She likes to keep us on our toes...

Momma knows best:
Sometimes, I really do. Sometimes, I would literally beg someone to get them to tell me what exactly I need to do. Many times I have asked Simon "What do I do?!" only for him to reply "How should I know?!" We've always figured it out, and not always knowing what to do is definitely part and parcel of being a first time parent.


Try to remember their date of birth:
My biggest FAIL to date. When the man in the airport asked for her DoB I confidently replied "4th of the 10th 2013." There was a beat, and he asked again. I repeated...a little less sure. Simon stood bemused as I then realised that that date hadn't even happened yet and I meant 10th of the 4th. Forgetting your daughter's date of birth? Epic fail.

I am 100% sure my list will continue to grow to include more outrageous things as Isabelle grows. However, I'm not sure I'll ever get past that DoB fiasco! Any parenting fails of your own to share?

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