Wednesday, October 2, 2013

5 things being a parent has taught me

Everybody always says that parenthood is a learning curve, and it really is, in more ways than one. Here are 5 important things I've learnt in the last 5 and a half (almost 6!) months.

1// There is nothing I need that cannot wait:
a drink, food, sleep, a can all wait. And sometimes I have waited for hours for one (or all!) of those things when I get caught up tending to Isabelle instead.

2// Baby 'stuff' doesn't have to take over your life:
I read everywhere how much 'stuff' babies have, and how it will quickly invade your home and be everywhere. Well, yes, we have quite a lot of stuff for Isabelle, and I know that amount will only continue to grow. But for now, it hasn't taken over our house, and I don't plan on that changing any time soon! All her things have their place, and there they shall stay. Plus, luckily, if have enable to ship all the little baby stuff back to Helen!

3// A baby smile can fix all:
even if we have had a rough night, or an extreme screaming fit during the day, when that little cherub looks at us and smiles, that's it. None of the other crappy bits matter - all that matters is that little angel and her beautiful smile. It's a scary hold she has on us!

This smile.

4// You don't HAVE to compromise on your ideals:
"Oh, you'll soon change your tune when the baby arrives." If I heard that once before Isabelle arrived, I heard it a million times. Things like using a dummy, having her in our room until 6 months, not weaning onto solids until 6 months, not letting her watch TV - all of these I was told I would soon 'change my tune' about. Well, I'm here to say that we didn't. No, it isn't always easy to stick to your ideals, especially if there is an "easier" way to do something- but we have stuck to our guns, and we haven't compromised on any of the major decisions we made before her arrival.
(Not that there is anything wrong with any of those things I mentioned - they just aren't for us)
No doubt we'll now get a whole pile of "Oh just wait until she's bigger..." Obviously we don't plan on never letting her watch TV, or keeping her in our room forever, our ideals for the future are different than for these months, but I know we can stick to what we think is best for her in the future too.

5// You'll find out where all the creaky floorboards are:
and you'll know how to hop around them to avoid making too much noise during the night!

What parenting ideals did you feel you had to compromise on? Or which did you make sure you stuck to?

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