Monday, October 7, 2013

A typically chaotic week...

September was a insanely busy month I'm the Jay household. It just seemed to be one thing after another, and I couldn't wait for the first week of October to arrive so I could get a few quiet days. I had just two things on the calendar, so I was looking forward to having some quiet time at home with Isabelle.

Well, the week has come and gone and I have somehow managed to be busier than ever! I barely saw the inside of the house this week, and things were so busy that Simon ended up having to do the food shopping at 8pm on Saturday evening.

So...what the heck were we doing all week? That is what I found myself wondering as I got Isabelle ready for bed. So here we go, a somewhat typically chaotic week in our lives...
(just to clarify, I count a day as "over" when Simon gets home, as that's when we start thinking about dinner, Isabelle's final nap, and then her bedtime!)

Monday: not typical as Simon's parents were still here. They left at lunchtime, and then a doctor's appointment, trip to the bank and pharmacy and that was that! I didn't even make it to my breastfeeding group.

Tuesday: all set for mums and tots....until Isabelle wanted her nap just before we were due to leave. By the time she was up, and we'd walked the dogs, Simon was home again as it was his half day, and we all hung out. Not a majorly busy day.

Wednesday: a nappuccino in Lisburn, which turned into tea/coffee with two lovely ladies from my breastfeeding group and their littles, who I am always in awe of as they are so cute and wonderful! After that Isabelle and I were so exhausted we had to have a little nap on the sofa! Another dog walk, and Simon was home.

Thursday: this week Thursday was a 'Jacob day', and as my parents had a family funeral to attend, I had Jacob for most of the day. And we have seen previously how that goes for us - the day was over before I knew what had happened!

Friday: usually Baby Sensory, but it wasn't on this week. More dog walking, and another 'Jacob day' so we headed to my dad's, and spent the day with them, going to the park and for ice cream.

Saturday: I was helping at a Mum and Baby fair, on the Cloth Nappy Library NI stand. I passed the day chatting with my lovely mummy friends and their beautiful babies, and generally having a very nice day!

Sunday: every Sunday flies by - church, lunch, dogs walked, swimming, family dinner!

It doesn't sound like a lot when it's written down, but the running from one place to another just didn't seem to stop. I didn't even get a chance to visit my granny, which is something Izzy and I do every week, or see Helen as she was selfishly working a 4 day week! Still, this "quiet" week ended up very busy, and that's without any of my usual baby classes and activities. Simon did say once that I say each Sunday "oh I don't have any plans this week" and then I am out every day, and a friend said recently I always seem to be on the road all over the country!

So, after another week I am feeling exhausted, and a little confused about where my time goes and how on earth I ever managed to fit in a job! You know what they say - time flies when you are having fun! I also feel very lucky to have so much going on, to have lots of great friends (and family) to spend my days with, and to allow Isabelle to experience so many people and activities each week. It really makes me value my time off with Isabelle, and I'm glad I am able to make the most of each of our days, with like minded mummies and my family.

Now, there is absolutely NOTHING on the calendar for this week coming. So, maybe a quiet one this week?

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