Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Happy Half Birthday, Isabelle!!

I really cannot believe that tomorrow, Miss Isabelle Katie Jay will have been with us for 6 whole months. It seems to have both flown in, and at the same time I can't ever remember a time before this little beauty was in our lives. It is truly a miracle to be watching this tiny person take shape, and it's amazing to see the things she can do now which, 6 months ago, seemed like they would be a lifetime away for her. I think I speak for her entire family when I say that this lady has captured our hearts completely and, for Simon and I, taught us to love someone in a way neither of us ever thought possible.

Vital stats:
Weight - 17lbs 1oz (last Thursday)
Length - 68cms

* "A sailor went to sea"
* "Row, row, row your boat"
* Shouting 'DADADADADADA' repeatedly for hours on end
* Kisses on her chin
* Sitting/standing up to look around
* Watching her cousin, Jacob, or any big girls/boys
* Being naked and sucking her toes
* Stroking, and watching, the dogs
* Her spoons
* Her jumperoo
* "Chatting" while we walk the dogs
* Being read to
* Spending time with her friends at breastfeeding group and baby sensory
* Coming into bed for cuddles
* Her luxurious bubble baths
* Sophie the Giraffe, her crab teether, her Lamaze block
* Looking at 'mirror baby'
* Baby sensory classes
*Not getting boobs when she wants them
* Her darn teeth still trying to get through (yes, STILL)

Since her 4 month check in, Isabelle can:
* roll both ways (front to back, back to front)
* grab hold of whatever she wants, and move towards things she wants
* pick a toy/item out of a pile
* push herself right up on her hands, while on her front
 - and a whole host of little things that seem too small to mention.
* Her BIGGEST skill to date, and the one which makes her seem like such a grown up girl, is her ability to sit up on her own. I am so proud her when she does, and she can sit up for a really long time, and has started trying to get from lying to sitting herself

Special things we have done
The most special thing we have done in September/October is to have Isabelle baptised. Simon's family came over and we had a lovely day in our church, and at home with all our family. We also went to the beach for the first time for daddy's birthday, and went to Tollymore Forest again for a family day.

The next few weeks will see some big changes, the most major of which will be Isabelle starting solid food. More on this in a future post, including plenty of pictures no doubt, my feelings on the matter, and our rationale behind our chosen method of weaning.

Now, as we head towards the arrival of a new baby cousin, and then Christmas, we have lots to look forward to, and lots of fun things coming up to keep us busy and help develop Isabelle as she enters the next stage of her little life. Here are some pictures of our little lady from her Christening Day:

With her mummy and grannies
With daddy, granny and great-granny

With mummy, granny and auntie Katie

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