Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Review's Day Tuesday: Mama Jewels Necklaces

Isabelle is a hair puller. While it somewhat comforts me that in her teenage years she will do superbly in a cat fight, right now, it HURTS. I have quite long hair which I rarely tie back, and this isn't usually an issue at all. However, when it comes to feeding time, Isabelle likes to give my hair a nice yank while she eats. So, I decided that I needed to cave in and get myself a nursing necklace, and was very excited when Mama Jewels offered to send me one of their necklaces to review.

I have seen nursing necklaces before, and never been that taken with them. They usually seem to be chunky affairs which are not at all to my liking. That said, I am very fussy about necklaces, so I truly am not easy to please in that department!

Mama Jewels asked me to pick a necklace from their website to review, but I soon realised that would be an almost impossible task! The range of necklaces on offer is huge! Not only do they have nursing necklaces (necklaces designed for little ones to play with and keep their pinchy hands off mummy while they eat!), but they also have teething necklaces, breastfeeding bracelets, earrings, personalised jewellery, change bags...the list seems endless! I managed to narrow down the choice of necklaces to a few, but left the final decision to Mama Jewels.

So when my simple, beautiful package arrived I was very excited to peek inside and see which one they had sent...

...and I wasn't disappointed! I received an Alice Nursing Necklace, which is made of coloured beads on a gold cord. I don't usually wear longer necklaces, but popped this on straight away and it looked great. It was quite understated, and the colours were really lovely - especially since I was wearing a plain white top that day. It got tested ASAP as you all know by now that Isabelle doesn't like to go too long between feeds! Usually her morning and evening feeds are worst for hair pulling, and I have tried giving her other things to hold instead, like her teddy, but it's either hair, or she continually yanks at my top. When I let her hold the necklace instead, she still flailed her hand about while holding it, but my hair remained attached, and my top in place throughout the whole feed.

Best of all, Izzy seems to like the beading on this necklace. Every so often, she will stop and have a little look at the necklace, rubbing the beads between her fingers, which is great for helping her develop her pincer grip, and develop her sense of touch. The necklace has been very good at keeping her 'on task' when we are out as well. Recently, she gets distracted by her surrounding when I nurse her in public, but when wearing this, I can bring her attention back to me, and settle her quickly. A winner all round!

Now, the sceptics among you might think it looks just like a normal necklace, so what makes it a special "nursing necklace"? Well, the answer is that all Mama Jewels nursing necklaces are specifically made to withstand even the toughest test from a baby. They can be sterilised, chomped on, washed in water, and are built to withstand 90N of pressure - that's a lot! In other words....they are pretty darn baby proof! Best of all, the components are all non-toxic, and the jewellery is tested and conforms to different regulations, meaning that it is certified as safe. So you can rest easy in the knowledge that, while it may look like other ordinary necklaces on the market, a Mama Jewels necklace is anything but ordinary!

Even if the Alice necklace isn't for you, have a look at the Mama Jewels range and you will soon see there is something for everyone - including gifts for new mummies and mummies to be. So pop on over to the Mama Jewels website, or have a look on their Facebook page to find out more about the beautiful range of products available.

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