Saturday, October 5, 2013

Special "first time baby only" moments

Over the last few months, there have been a few times when I've thought to myself just how unbelievably lucky I am, not just to have a beautiful baby girl, but to be able to share with her some wonderfully special moments that I may never get to share with any babies in the future.

Isabelle and I lead a shockingly busy life. Even in a 'quiet' week - like last week - when we technically have nothing planned, we still end up being out of the house more than we are in it. We don't spend much time just lounging around the house, we are always running from one place to the next - baby groups, mummy get togethers, out with family, the list seems never ending.

But every so often, we do get some special moments, just the two of us, when we get to cuddle up and do NOTHING together.

Recently, Isabelle has started to enjoy her lie in each morning. She doesn't mind getting up at 7/7.30am with her dad, but she really has taken to lying in bed with mummy snoozing until (at the very latest!) 9.30am. The only proviso she has is that she is given unlimited boob access in this time, and is cuddled right up against me while it happens. That suits me fine, so the two of us have had some wonderful lazy mornings cuddled up in bed together, lying in. This doesn't happen often, as so many of our activities start at 10am, so we have to be up and out when we would clearly both rather be snuggled up!

Every so often, she will be having a sleepy day and if we are at home, we can cuddle up on the sofa together and have a little nap. Again, as long as she has unlimited boob, she will cuddle and snooze for well over an hour. We had one of those naps on the sofa last week, cuddled up underneath the blanket.

Every time we have a little cuddle like that, I am struck by just how special these moments are, and how much I should cherish them. In the future, Isabelle certainly won't want to cuddle up with me like that as she will be too busy running around like a wild thing. And when her brothers/sisters come along (if we are blessed with more babies) then I will have a toddler or two to contend with, and no time to spend lying in each morning, or napping on the sofa in the afternoon.

So, these special moments are a 'first time baby only' deal, I think. And I will make sure I treasure each one while I can, and continue to cuddle up with my baby whenever I can, and tell her each time we do how this is so special, and how lucky I feel to be her mummy.

Any special moments you cherish with your littles?

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