Sunday, January 5, 2014

Tried and tested top toys

One of the mummy Facebook groups I am lucky enough to be part of had a thread this week about our favourite toys for the little people. I find it so interesting to see what other people have, and enjoy, for their babies, and it always gives me some great ideas of new toys or books we can get for Isabelle.

It can be hard to pick new toys - especially since most people now buy online. The age guides can be so off, and it's impossible to tell if your little one will really love it, so it's always nice to have someone else test a toy before you buy it!

From my previous posts, you probably know by now that I have a whole host of homemade sensory toys for Izzy to play with - from her treasure basket to her discovery bottles - but of course she has plenty of 'real' toys too.

So, what little treasures has she got? What's her favourite? And, importantly, what is mummy and daddy approved?!

1// Music station:
We got this from a family friend for Christmas (after close instruction!) and I love it just as much I had hoped. Even better - Izzy loves it too! It keeps her occupied for ages, as there are so many bits to it, and the noises are in no way loud and overbearing (as I had slightly feared!). Her favourite bits are the tubular bells, and the sticks - to chew on!
Available on Amazon for £41 here

2// Sensory sound blocks:
These are one of my favourites, and she loves it when I look through the coloured perspex at her! As she likes anything which makes a noise these are a good little thing to have on hand for a moment's distraction, and great for teaching her about noises and words (e.g. gentle, loud) Another favourite Christmas present.
From Wonderworld

3// Wiggly worm:
this was a little stocking filler we got in a toy shop near us. She absolutely loves it, and it's great for taking out and about in the change bag as it's so petite!
Available here for £2.50

4// Clemmy turtle blocks:
Isabelle loves any type of blocks, but these have been a firm favourite since I blogged about these a while back. She really loves chomping on them (surprise, surprise!) and they are so easy for her to handle. Building them up on Clemmy the turtle's back and knocking them down provides endless fun!
Available from Loubilou for £17.49

5// Sophie la Giraffe:
If there is a house in the land which has a teething baby and DOESN'T have a Sophie, I am flabbergasted! At baby groups Sophies litter the floor, and I have actually brought other people's home (as well as our own!) before. This is all testament to the fact that Sophie is a great toy. Isabelle loves her, and gets excited when I give her to her. She is great to chew on during teething, and I think the tactile feel of the rubber makes her feel nice in little hands. She loves Sophie's squeak, and enjoys waving her round by the leg. Possibly the best £12.99 I have ever spent!
Get your Sophie here!

6// Lamaze Grip and Grab Flower:
I love anything Lamaze, and picked this little one up for just £3 in the same toy shop from which I bought the worm. It's kept in the change bag in case I forget other toys, and Izzy loves shaking it around. The black and white side was ideal when she was a tiny baby, and now she loves the coloured side, and shakes it around to hear the little rattle inside. It's easy to grab, and must be tasty as - shockingly - she loves chewing it!
From Lamaze 

7// Her noisy books:
We have lots of books for Isabelle and we read everyday, but we got Messy Pig and Crazy Cow board books for Christmas and she absolutely adores them! Much more so than any other books she has. She very quickly learnt to push the button to make the noise, and it's great to see her interact with a book so well. There are a whole series of these books, and more to be released, and I am definitely getting her more soon!
Available on Amazon for £3.99 each

Maybe you can tell we have major love for wooden toys in our house. I find that most wooden toys are more 'open ended' than electronic toys, which seem to be much more 'closed' and have a limited number of ways Isabelle can interact with them. I also have a real soft spot for Lamaze toys, as I just find them so wonderfully bright, cheerful and they have so much going on for Izzy to explore.

I'm currently working on a list of toys for her first birthday, so stay tuned to find out what bits and bobs we have making their way to us next!

Any recommendations from you for things she might enjoy?

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