Friday, January 10, 2014

New Year Blog Tag!

I was tagged by the beautiful and wonderful Hayley from Sparkles and Stretchmarks, who was the person who convinced me to start my blog in the first place!

There are just a few simple rules: 
1. In your post, be sure to link back and thank the blogger that previously tagged you
2. Answer the questions below and tag at least 5 other bloggers and; 
3. Include the badge in your post

Lets get started!

1. Your top 5 new favourite blogs to read in 2013 

Like Hayley, I only started blogging in 2013 so reading any blog is brand new to me! Some which I always find myself gravitating towards are:
Quite Frankly She Said
Bump to Baby
Mummy B
Sparkles and Stretchmarks
Mrs Hippo and Me

2. List Your 5 most read blog posts in 2013

3. Name one blog you wish you had found sooner

Probably Wifessionals - an American blog written by a lovely lady who seems to have many similar views about parenting to myself. 

4. Your favourite blog post of 2013 

Hmmmmm...very difficult question....I think probably My Favourite 2 Minutes of the Day because it allowed me to share something that I really loved about those early days with Isabelle.

5. What would you like to improve (if anything) on your blog next year?

My blog is still very new, so I just want to keep up with writing about topics that I am interested in and which are important to me, and to try and include more of my own pictures.

6. Name one blog you have a blog crush on

Hayley also said this, but it has to be Oh So Amelia. A wonderful blog, so well presented and written, with great pictures.

7. How often do you post? 

That depends on what week and month it is! So far I've blogged every day bar one this month, but some months I may only get one or two posts a week. It all depends on what else is going on in my world, and what I have on my mind.

8. Share your first post of 2013

9. Name one thing you would be doing if you weren't typing this post right now.

Watching Grey's Anatomy

10. What have you loved the most about blogging this year?

 Being able to share some issues which I think are generally not so well known about - or which has misconceptions and stigma attached to them, such as co-sleeping, using cloth and babywearing.

I tag the following bloggers:
Sian    Sarah     Nicola     Sian (another one!) 

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