Monday, January 6, 2014

The secret to our 'app-y marriage

A friend recently posted a link to this article on Facebook, and I read it with interest. The blogger describes how his life was being taken over by his dedication to his iPhone, and how he spent much more time on that than with the people in his life. He's set himself a challenge to try and change this problem.

I think all of us are probably guilty of this same thing to some extent - and I know that in our house I DEFINITELY am. Our evening routine is pretty set - Isabelle is in bed by 7pm and Simon and I lounge in the living room together. He watches TV, and I surf the web. Sometimes, we can go all evening and barely say a word to one another. I should just state now that we are very happily married (maybe because of this?!) but I do feel that sometimes we just don't spend our time together in a meaningful way.  We are old before our time, and very rarely go out in the evening (although that is one of my New Year's resolutions!), and when we are in the house we just seem to get caught up in other things, rather than sitting down and chatting.

Now, another friend told me about a Charades app, and said she and her partner had great fun playing it. I adore Charades, so thought I would download it and give it a go - and I'm so glad I did!

Obviously we don't play it every night (I would if Simon would though!), but when we do play it, it's great to just spend some time together, playing a fun and silly game, and turning off the TV and iPad for an hour to laugh together. Well, OK, actually the iPad is still on as it has the app...

Not everybody loves Charades, but I think that we could probably all benefit from turning off our electronics and spending some quality time with our loved one. So now, I will shut the laptop and see if I can convince Simon to play for a while....we can never quite agree on where the problem lies - with his acting or my guessing!

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