Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Waiting for the Royal arrival

If you believe the media, Kate Middleton is now overdue. Boy do I know that feeling only too well. Except, when I went overdue I only had family and friends annoying me with the texts asking if baby had arrived yet - I didn't have the entire world media camped out waiting for something to happen.

I am not ashamed to admit it - I'm excited about the impending arrival of the Royal baby. I'm not 100% sure why, as I don't really care too much about the Royal Family in general. No disrespect intended, they just don't feature much on my radar.

That said, I do have a soft spot for William and Kate, and again, I'm not terribly sure why. Possibly I'm very naive, but I think they just look like lovely, wholesome people, who I wouldn't mind inviting round for dinner and a chat (although think of the pressure there would be. Maybe not...)

William and Kate got engaged just after Simon and I, they got married in 2011 just months before us - actually on my hen weekend - and now their little baby is arriving in the same year as ours. I think it's something about this small life parallel that we have that makes me more interested in them. 

But, the more I think about it, the more I feel so terribly sorry for Kate. These next few weeks and months are going to be like getting hit by a truck for her. They are for any new mummy - adjusting to life with your beautiful baby, and having your life turned upside down in the most wonderful way. But for Kate, it's going to be with the whole world watching.

If you have babies and children you probably remember taking them out and feeling the pressure when they started to cry, sure that EVERYONE was looking at you and judging you. Or the pressure the first time you changed a nappy in front of other people, or had to unfold your pram and negotiate life's obstacles with it. Imagine doing any of those things with the whole world watching, just WAITING for you to slip up.

Then there is the pressure from everyone to do what is "right". Only Kate and William will know what's right for their little one, but that won't stop everyone from throwing in their two cents. In many situations I think it will be case of she's damned if she does, and she's damned if she doesn't.

I have no doubt that the Duchess of Cambridge will handle motherhood with the same poise and grace with which she seems to handle every situation. I'm 100% confident that she and William will make the most wonderful parents, and I can't wait to hear the news of their most special arrival. 

Ps- I think it's a girl....

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