Friday, July 26, 2013

Home grown goodies

Simon has been working really hard to get our garden "sorted" over the last few weeks. It has rubbish drainage and, with two dogs tearing round, it was basically a swamp all winter. He has dug drainage ditches, created a new path, built a new fence for our vegetable patch, planted new trees, painted every surface that would stay still, and created a new flower bed. 

We're lucky to have space for our own vegetable patch which runs down one whole side of our garden. With Isabelle on the way, he decided not to plant anything for this year, but last year we had potatoes, beans, onions, leeks, carrots, parsnips and a whole section dedicated to herbs, which I actually thought was overgrown with weeds!  We also had some fruit trees...but Dexter ate them. The new fruit trees are safely planted in the vegetable patch behind the new fence...which we needed because Dexter ate the old one.

However, he didn't manage to get our black currant bush, which grew to epic proportions. Today, Simon pruned it and we picked all the currents off it while listening to the thunder. While I was putting Izzy to bed he used them to whip up a batch of jam. Black current jam is my favourite, so I can't wait for it to set and try some out tomorrow morning.

It's great to be able to eat things we've grown in our own garden, and I can't wait until Isabelle is out helping him in the patch in a little pair of wellies, and we can feed her the food we have grown ourselves. There are few things as satisfying as eating homegrown goodies.

(I say "we" and "our"...Simon does all the work!) 

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