Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Driving destination: the land of nod

Has anyone else seen this advert, for Volkswagen?

I saw it for the first time the other day and it really made me laugh. I mentioned it to my sister-in-law and she said that there were times my brother had done this with my nephew.

The car definitely knocks Isabelle out, although I've noticed as she gets older that she will stay awake on a shorter journey if she isn't tired. Luckily, we never had to resort to driving round in the middle of the night with her! 

I read/heard a lot about how when our baby arrived we'd be driving round at 2am, pacing the house with her at 4am, and pushing her pram up and down the road at all hours. We haven't had to resort to any of those measures in the last 3 months, as there is one thing (or 2 really!) that can help her nod off if she's upset/cross/overtired - they are both attached to me! Simon, obviously, doesn't have this ability, so he sticks her in her bouncer and picks them both up and gives them a good swing. A good bit of back/tummy patting thrown in for good measure and she's in the land of nod.

What crazy things have you had to do to get your little one to sleep?

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