Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Little noises, big repercussions

I'm sure other mummy and daddy types know the feeling. You've spent half an hour soothing your darling to sleep, and a few minutes gazing at their sleeping, angelic face. Then, you turn to leave the room...

Have you always walked SO LOUDLY?
Have these shoes always been SO SQUEAKY on the floor?
Have the floorboards always creaked THIS MUCH?
Have you always breathed SO HEAVILY?

And after every sound you freeze, holding your breath, and turn to make sure your little cherub is still snoozing soundly. If you're luckily, they haven't flinched. If you're not, they are now staring at you like a small demon, mouth opening in slow motion, scream about to happen.

And while you soothe the baby to sleep, you silently curse every single noise your other half makes. Hoovering - now?! Walking up stairs - really?! Breathing - surely not?!

Luckily, I can hoover right past Isabelle when she's asleep and she won't even flutter her eyelids. But that doesn't mean I don't feel the fear every single night and nap time...

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