Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thanksgiving week: Tuesday's thanks...

Tuesdays thanks: today I am thankful for...

- Simon being self employed, so he can take weekdays (or any day we want) off and we can spend time as a family. 

- my education: today it allowed me to help my 11year old cousin with polygon angles. My excellent primary, secondary and tertiary education are one of the things I value most, and they have led me to the place I am today

- having "enough" money: we certainly are not 'well off' but we have enough money to mean that, today for example, we can go to the Christmas market and enjoy ourselves without having to worry about how ridiculously over priced everything is. I read so much about how people have terrible money worries, and how families must account for every penny, and I thank god that - for now - that is not us

What are you thankful for today?

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