Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving week: Saturday's thanks...

Saturday's thanks: today I am thankful for...

- cloth nappies, for many reasons! Firstly, I love that my cloth nappies are better for the environment. When I think about how many nappy changes I've done in the last seven and a half months it is scary to think that I could have thrown that many nappies into a landfill. Next, after doing some mental maths one day in the supermarket I realised that my cloth nappies will have paid for themselves against disposables by the time Isabelle is 1 - that's pretty amazing I think! So after she turns 1 I will be saving money every time I use them. And lastly, I am amazed at how cloth nappies have opened up a whole new world to me, which includes some fabulous mummies (and daddies!) who I am very privileged to now count as my friends. Plus, working with the Cloth Nappy Library NI keeps me busy and gets me out and about to different meet ups - like today's nappuccino in Ikea! 

- my ring sling and wrap, for allowing me to carry Isabelle close, cuddle her up, and have both hands free to do important things like carry two cups of tea, or eat my churros  at the Christmas Market!

- how easy breastfeeding has been for me. I have spoken a lot in the past about feeding Isabelle and how important it is to me, but not a day goes by when I don't think about how lucky I am that I have been able to feed her with no issues for these last months, and hopefully for a long while to come yet!

'Crunchy' thanks today for me...but what are you thankful for today?

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