Monday, November 4, 2013

All Quiet on the Western Front...

So things have been a bit quiet over here at NMIM lately. I wish I could say that's because I've been so busy, but I haven't been doing anything special, I just seem to have been so busy I haven't been able to find time to blog!

Unfortunately, Miss Isabelle is sick at the minute. She has been ill before, but this time she is really a very sick button. She has a bad cold - maybe the only ever case of a female having man flu? She is snotty, and rattly-chested, coughing and spluttering, heavy eyed and just generally a bit miserable. It's tough to watch and, while she should be getting better any day now, she seems to just continually get worse. We've been dosing her up with anything possible (saline drops, baby Olbas, Calpol) to try and help her, but nothing works for long. I'm very upset to say even boob has failed - probably because she can't breathe and eat at the same time with her stuffy nose.

Hopefully she will be feeling better ASAP as we 'jet off' to Norfolk tomorrow to see Simon's parents, and I can't imagine it will be much fun for any of us if she is still so miserable. We haven't much planned for when we are there, just catching up with family and letting Granny and Grandad spend some quality time with Isabelle. She always travels well, but tomorrow could be a very different story when she feels so rotten. Luckily, I have my beautiful new Oscha ring sling to keep her nicely snuggled up in the airport. It just arrived last week, so this will be it's first big trip and I can't wait to show it off! (Please forgive me for this super cheesy selfie!! I also don't regularly dress Isabelle in bright orange - this was on Halloween so it was her pumpkin babygro!)

Simon and I have been doing little bits of Christmas shopping here and there and - just when we think we have something all sorted - we remember a whole other set of people we need to buy for! And then the realisation that we need to buy people presents 'from Isabelle' too, and we are pretty much back to square one!

Other than that, Isabelle is impatiently waiting for the safe arrival of her little cousin! Hopefully by this time next week, I will have a beautiful new niece or nephew to cuddle, as Isabelle loses her "baby" status in the extended and becomes a big girl! Because of the new baby's imminent arrival, we have handed all the 'little baby' things to Helen - including our much loved bouncer. Here is Isabelle having a 'last bounce' before it headed off!

Hopefully when I get back from Norfolk I'll be back to blogging as well! I do have a few things up my sleeve - look out for my Organics special coming up, along with an exclusive 10% at a brand new website!!

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