Monday, December 30, 2013

My New Year's Resolutions

New Year's resolutions. We've all made them...and some people have even stuck to them, or so I hear! I have to admit I don't usually make resolutions, because I know I probably won't stick to them so what's the point? I think a lot of people set themselves unrealistic goals, so is it any wonder lots of people don't stick to the resolutions they set?

This year, I am setting a few resolutions, which I will hopefully be able to stick to for a few weeks at least! Nothing hugely exciting, and one of them is probably one of the most common resolutions people set....

1// Stop biting my nails: I never used to be a nail biter, but I've noticed over the last few months I am constantly biting my nails down to nothing. I usually do this when I'm in the car, and I'm not usually even aware that I've started, so I think that it'll be tricky to stop myself. But I'm hoping I'll be able to cut down even a little.

2// Make more soup: soup is so easy to make, and it will make perfect lunch grub for Isabelle and me. Add in the bonus that it's full of vegetables and goodness for us both, and that she loves soup, and I am sold! Hopefully, I will be able to make some soup every week........hopefully!

3// Eat more fish: this follows on from #2. We don't eat a lot of fish, but Isabelle seems to enjoy it and it's so good for all of us that I have decided we need to eat fish at least once a fortnight. That probably doesn't sound like much to some people, but it's a realistic amount for us, so that should help us stick to it more easily.

4// Let people babysit more often: I hardly ever leave Isabelle - during December I left her twice,m for a total of 5hrs and that was more than August-November combined! Now she is bigger and less reliant on feeding from me, and since she goes to be by 7pm and conks out for the foreseeable future, I need to start making use of the many offers to babysit! My mother will be thrilled!

5// Learn to sew: we bought a sewing machine I'll keep you updated on how this one goes!

What resolutions are you making for 2014?

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