Sunday, December 29, 2013

My 2014 To Do List...

This should keep me busy in January...

1// Sign up for "Sing and Sign" classes with Isabelle - these will add another activity to our week, and will hopefully be lots of fun, as well as teaching us lots of new songs and signs.

2// Get my hair chopped. It's constantly getting in the way at the minute - especially when I wrap Isabelle on my back- so it has to go. I'm hoping to get about 7/8 inches off it. Now just to make an appointment and get a babysitter.

3// Clear out my cupboard and drawers. Isn't this something everyone constantly needs to do?! I feel like it's always hanging over me, and time to do it again. Isabelle's drawers need done too, to get rid of all her 6-9 month clothes. Which reminds me I must buy some new space saver vacuum bags...

4// Re-accessorize the living room. I'm bored of the accessories we have at the minute, so would like to find some new bits for the mantle and the sideboard. I usually head to Next for these, so will have to find some time to have a look. Our curtains and other soft furnishings are teal, and all from Next, so it shouldn't be too hard to find some nice new pieces.

5// Decorate Isabelle's toy box. We have a wooden box, which we previously used for laundry, which I want to paint and decorate nicely to turn into a toy box for Isabelle, and put in the back room. I've seen some beautiful ones online, but they are insanely expensive, so she'll have to put up with whatever I can create! I would love to make a little seat on top like the one below....but I think that's really pushing it since I cannot sew!

What things are on your to do list for the first few weeks of the new year?

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