Monday, December 9, 2013

Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree...

If there is one thing which makes every house feel Christmassy, it is the much beloved Christmas tree. Whether you have real or artificial, a tree in the corner of the room just SCREAMS "Christmas is coming" to everyone.

I think everyone looks forward to putting up their tree, and getting into the spirit of Christmas, and we are no exception in the Jay household. We are in the 'real' tree camp, although only every other year as every second year we spend Christmas in Norfolk with Simon's family, and so just put up a tiny tree - which doesn't feel anywhere near as festive!

We usually don't put our tree up until around 15th December but, due to other commitments, this year the latest date we could both go and buy the tree was December 3rd. So, with Isabelle dressed in a suitably Christmassy outfit, we set off to the local garden centre to pick our green companion. After a bit of disagreement, and making the helpful girl lug one tree out, only for it to be dismissed for a poor set of bottom branches, we choose the perfect tree.

I always forget that putting up the Christmas tree involves rearrangement of our living room furniture, but this year we decided to try a new tree location which actually resulted in minimal upheaval and looks much better than previous years.

In another move to emulate a Pinterest idea, Simon cut a sliver off the bottom of the tree trunk, which we are making into a 'Isabelle's first Christmas' tree decoration. Once that was done, the tree was popped up in the corner and straightened up, before Simon strung on the lights. I don't know why, but putting the lights on a tree is always a man's job, if you ask me! Controversially, he strings them in an 'up and down' motion rather than a 'round and round' motion...

I was in charge of decorating this year, and was pretty aghast to find we had enough tree decorations to decorate at least 3 full sized trees! Many of them were cheap, bulk buy baubles, and these were discarded in favour of our more unique and cute decorations - picked up from garden centres, craft shops, gift shops and Ikea!

The overall look is what I would describe as 'shabby chic', and I love it....andI'm actually quite glad it's up so early so I can enjoy it for that little bit longer!

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