Saturday, August 3, 2013

World Breastfeeding Week

You know by now I am a proud Breastfeeding momma! I blogged here about our breastfeeding journey during UK Breastfeeding Awareness week, but since its now WORLD Breastfeeding Week, I thought you may like to catch up with our journey.

Although, to be honest, not much has changed! As I mentioned earlier this week the list of places I have nursed Isabelle continued to grow - we did our first wedding today! - and Isabelle is still a huge fan of boobs! She still uses them for comfort, and more and more has been falling asleep while eating.

Lately, I have noticed I never see anyone else nursing in public- apart from at my baby groups. I know there are other breast feeders out there- but they are obviously all very discreet!

I am continually amazed and grateful for the support of my family and friends. Friends in particular, who are never embarrassed or seem to feel at all awkward when I feed Isabelle around them. I feel very lucky to have the enduring support of everyone around me as Isabelle continues to thrive (she is now well over 14lbs- so has doubled her birth weight!).

So thank you to everyone who supports us as Isabelle continues to grow. Hopefully, we will have a while to go yet before our Breastfeeding journey ends. But, if it were all to end tomorrow I would be very proud of how well we have done to get this far.

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