Thursday, August 22, 2013

A day in the life of a cloth bum mum

After reading a similar post from Sian over at Jumbled Purple, I decided to give you an insight into a day in the life of being a cloth bum mum, in the hope that people will see it's not quite so horrific and difficult as many people believe!

When Isabelle wakes up I take her night nappy off and let her bum have some air while she kicks around, firstly in our bed, then on her playmat. I get her washed and dressed for the day and put on her first day nappy - a Little Lamb bamboo fitted nappy with a Tots Bots wrap.

While Isabelle naps, I run around doing a million things, including putting the nappy wash on. I do this every other day, always in the morning. It's as easy as a normal wash - I lift the mesh out of the nappy bucket and stick it into the washing machine. I put on a rinse to start off with then, when that's done, a long 30/40/60 degree wash with an extra rinse. I use EcoSprout washing powder which is specifically designed to be cloth safe. The wash takes around 2 hours.

After Isabelle has been up for a while I change her into a bumGenius Freetime - an all in one nappy. This is brand new, first outing today! I throw the Little Lamb into the new mesh liner in the bucket, and give the wrap a wipe as it's totally clean and dry and can be used again later.

We're having a quiet day today, so after we've taken the dogs out and Isabelle has another nap, I change her again. The Freetime comes off as one and into the nappy bucket. This time she is changed into a 'cheapie' nappy from Tiny Nippers.

The wash has been sitting waiting for me to get round to putting it out. Although you can chuck it in the tumble drier, I hate using ours for any washing. Instead, I use two Ikea sock driers to hang all my boosters, inserts, liners and wipes, and a normal clothes horse for the rest of the load. I take down the last nappy wash, and replace it with the new one. Luckily, today was dry so I got to put everything outside. If it's raining, it all goes into the garage instead.

Another nappy change, and another cheapie nappy. More nappy free time for her ladyship.

The last day nappy of the day goes on - a Little Lamb OSFA pocket with a microfibre insert. These aren't the prettiest, but they do a great job. (No picture of this as she was having a mini meltdown at the time!)

Isabelle is getting dressed for bed, and her night nappy goes on. This is a (old style) Tots Bots Bamboozle size 1, with a size 2 Little Lamb booster for extra absorbency. I am using the same Tots Bots wrap from this morning as it just got one outing, and I put a One Life cotton booster between the nappy and wrap for even more absorbency. This will last Izzy until she gets up tomorrow morning (roughly 12 hours), saving her lazy momma from changing her bum during the night!

When Isabelle is sound asleep I get round to sorting the dry nappies I took down earlier. It takes 10 minutes to sort the liners, boosters, inserts and wipes from one another, then stuff the pocket nappies and put the everything away nicely, ready for another day. Most of the wash from this morning is dry too as it's been out all day, so they are brought in and put away, or left in the garage over night to dry completely.

So there you have it, pretty much the same as every other mum's day - except instead of throwing the nappies out, I spend 20-30 minutes every other day getting them washed, dried and put away. Not a huge amount of trouble at all and, to me, so worth it to get that gorgeous 'fluffy bum', and help reduce my landfill contributions and carbon footprint. 

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