Monday, June 17, 2013

10 things that make Izzy Izzy...

Of course, I think that Isabelle is the most wonderful and special girl in the world. I know that she is changing so much all the time, and so wanted to remember all the little things that make her unique during these first few months. That way, when she asks me in years to come what she was like as a baby, I won't forget all the little things that make me smile now.

This is taken from Isabelle's baby book:

10 Things That Make Me Me...

1. My crazy hair (see below)
2. My beautiful smile
3. My 'distinct' cry - I'm LOUD!
4. My insatiable appetite
5. My love of my playmat
6. My horror screams during the night which have scared mum and dad! (Only happened twice!)
7. My love of my pram
8. My super wiggles on my playmat
9. My love of nakey-bum time
10. My chatter and funny faces when I say 'Oooo'

Stay tuned for more 10 things posts....

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