Friday, June 21, 2013

10 Non-Essential Baby Essentials...

Baby shopping is a minefield.

When I was pregnant, I was overwhelmed with the amount of 'stuff' on offer for babies, the different things and different brands. Words like Isofix, movement monitor and grobag become part of your daily vocabulary when you previously had never even heard them. The sheer choice of baby items is unbelievable, with parents and parents-to-be being bombarded with information about what they need.

I read a LOT online during pregnancy, and saw everything from "All you need is a cot, some nappies and 3 babygros" to lists of hundreds of items which I had to have. Being the control freak I am, I made a list of exactly what we needed to get for our little lady (although at the time we didn't know she was a lady!). Luckily, my sister in law is a marvel and not only helped me out with what I needed and didn't, but she also loaned me masses of stuff she used with my nephew, meaning my confusion at the whole baby shopping business was much lessened!

When deciding what to buy for your baby, there are lots of things that people class as "essential". Obviously, some things are totally essential - like somewhere to sleep, something to wear, and something to catch the mess - while other things are more of a luxury. But this is my list of non-essential baby essentials broken into two sections: the first are things not classed as essential by general lists, but things I couldn't have survived without in the last 10 weeks, and the second list are things which are generally on every list as (more or less) essential, and which I think are definitely not! I'm sure many will disagree with my thoughts on the matter!

My "non-essential" essentials:
1. Grobags:  BLANKETS CAUSE SIDS! Well, improper use of blankets (eg too loose) can contribute to the likelihood of SIDS (links to information about SIDS at the end of this post). When I was double and triple checking my SIDS information, I knew I wouldn't feel comfortable using blankets exclusively for Isabelle at night. Grobags are baby sleeping bags which are intended to remove the risk associated with loose blankets, while still keeping baby warm and cosy. These give me peace of mind at night, and are also a lot more convenient that having to replace my champion wriggler's blankets every five minutes!
We use: lots of different brands including the original Grobag and Marks and Spencer sleep bags

2. A car seat rain cover: everybody knows you needs rain cover with your pram/buggy. Everyone knows you can attach your car seat to your travel system. But what do you do when you have the car seat on the pram and it rains? Solution: car seat rain cover. Since I regularly use my car seat on the pram base, and since I live in Northern Ireland and it therefore rains all the time, this has been a live saver. One of the items loaned to me by my sister in law.
We use: Quinny car seat rain cover

3. Movement monitor: there are so many styles and brands of baby monitor out there - from the simple noise monitor, to a video monitor that links to your iPhone. For me, video wasn't so important, but having a monitor which detected Isabelle's movement - and therefore her breathing - is an essential. It gives me peace of mind that she is still breathing while she's in her crib each night. Another item loaned to us by sister in law.
The only downsides: forgetting to turn the alarm off during the night when I get Isabelle out to feed her, setting the alarm off at what seems to be a million decibels, and the paranoia that comes when the monitor doesn't click for 5 seconds and I am convinced Isabelle has stopped breathing. This results in me spending most of my evening with my eyes and ears glued to  the receiver!
We use: Tommy Tippee Suresound

4. A baby bath with an insert: lots of people don't even think a baby bath is essential. My sister in law loaned us her bath (surprise surprise!) which has an insert and 'ridge' in it which means that Isabelle is held securely in the bath without us holding her - leaving us hands free to splash her and shampoo that mega head of hair!
When we used a regular baby bath at my in laws, with no insert, we did almost drown her. This bath is most essential for Isabelle's well being I think - wet babies are slippy as heck!! (Especially if you put baby oil in the bath. I speak from experience...don't do this.)
We use: Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Aquarium

5. Car mirror: where do you think I got this from?! This is a mirror which attaches to the headrest on my back seat, and means I can see Isabelle in her rear facing baby seat just by looking in my rear view mirror. Excellent for checking whether she's asleep yet, or whether I need to keep driving! This really gives me peace of mind when I'm in the car, and means I can keep my beady eye on her at all times!
We use something similar to: Dino Easy View

My only problem with this list? My sister in law is pregnant with number two and is really going to want her stuff back...!

My non-essential "essentials": (things encouraged which I think are a waste of my money!)
1. Cotbeds: I understand the premise of these...but I just don't think they are practical. By the time Isabelle is old enough to be sleeping in a bed, I hope we will be blessed enough to have a second baby on the way. This baby will need the we will need a different bed for Isabelle. So I may as well save my money and buy a cheaper cot now, and a toddler bed later. Especially since cotbeds are very expensive.

2. Wardrobes for nurseries: baby clothes are tiny. They fit in a drawer without even being folded - so why buy a wardrobe and hang clothes in it that will leave a 4ft space beneath them? No point in hanging them to keep them crease free either - Isabelle spends all day on her butt creasing things like mad!

3. Change tables: seemingly, I have just have a hatred of all baby furniture! Change tables are so expensive. Just slap a change mat on a chest of drawers which costs half the price!

All my pet peeves in one room!

4. Bedding sets: these really irritate me. These generally have some sheets in them - which are very useful - along with a blanket and cot bumpers. As mentioned, it is not recommended to use blankets for babies while they are under the age of 1, due to the risk of SIDS. And cot bumpers (solid ones like this) are also not generally recommended for use due to a potential hazard leading to SIDS. Yes, these bedding sets look lovely. But since I can't/won't use half of it, I'd rather save my money.
(There is not yet a proven, solid link between the use of cot bumpers and SIDS. You can also buy mesh cot bumpers which are safer to use, e.g. this)

5. Top and tail bowls: just use regular bowls! Better yet, just use one bowl and make sure you wash the eyes and face before the bum! No need for special bowls at all.

****** Read more about SIDS here, and how to lower the risk of SIDS here ******

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